rick13 | 04 Apr '09 | 01:18
Haha, wat een ei..
Patrick | 04 Apr '09 | 01:25
Patrick | 04 Apr '09 | 01:25
Triest toch? ;-)
Triest toch? ;-)
rick13 | 04 Apr '09 | 01:27
rick13 | 04 Apr '09 | 01:27
Ja, die snapt het echt niet..
Ja, die snapt het echt niet..
Patrick | 04 Apr '09 | 01:30
Patrick | 04 Apr '09 | 01:30
Sta je mooi voor lul toch?
Wat kom je hier doen? "Geen idee".......
En das acteur... Was acteur denk ik nu..... Laterzzzz
Prettig weekend!
Sta je mooi voor lul toch?
Wat kom je hier doen? "Geen idee".......
En das acteur... Was acteur denk ik nu..... Laterzzzz
Prettig weekend!
rick13 | 04 Apr '09 | 01:36
Your the one not knowing where you talk about.. just close your mouth talking about a topic you dont know sh*t about..
Yes some people like the idiot on the link Rick gave are not knowing why protesting there..
But allot of them do.. and it's important to not just let the G20 do whatever they want if over half of civilisation is against no?
btw.. *"Millions of pounds put into securing the area by investing greatly in extra police forces and security measures"* you say..?? very funny m8.. this money to pay these police forces etc.. you know where they get paid with? With Money that doesnt excists.. You know why we are in crisis? cuz Goverment and Banks Lend and Pay with money they dont have..
American's produce/print money like it's Newspapers.. *And you know what.. when there is an overload of something.. it's value will drop below even usefull*
So what did you learn and why most people join the protesters:
There is defently a reason of them protesting, this crisis influences every civilian around there.. The people that caused economical crisis are now putted in the G20 top to solve it.. Little weird no?.. + those are the ones that took advantage of using money that isn't there more for themselves then for there country..
Nothin' more to say only that I think it's Bullshit that some people only know/see or whatever it is, half of whats happening..
Btw.. Media and Goverment make economical crisis worser then it is.. Everyone scaring each other.. And Media give them a bit of help.. People are to scared to invest there own excisting money in anything or store it on banks cuz of what they hear..
Your the one not knowing where you talk about.. just close your mouth talking about a topic you dont know sh*t about..
Yes some people like the idiot on the link Rick gave are not knowing why protesting there..
But allot of them do.. and it's important to not just let the G20 do whatever they want if over half of civilisation is against no?
btw.. *"Millions of pounds put into securing the area by investing greatly in extra police forces and security measures"* you say..?? very funny m8.. this money to pay these police forces etc.. you know where they get paid with? With Money that doesnt excists.. You know why we are in crisis? cuz Goverment and Banks Lend and Pay with money they dont have..
American's produce/print money like it's Newspapers.. *And you know what.. when there is an overload of something.. it's value will drop below even usefull*
So what did you learn and why most people join the protesters:
There is defently a reason of them protesting, this crisis influences every civilian around there.. The people that caused economical crisis are now putted in the G20 top to solve it.. Little weird no?.. + those are the ones that took advantage of using money that isn't there more for themselves then for there country..
Nothin' more to say only that I think it's Bullshit that some people only know/see or whatever it is, half of whats happening..
Btw.. Media and Goverment make economical crisis worser then it is.. Everyone scaring each other.. And Media give them a bit of help.. People are to scared to invest there own excisting money in anything or store it on banks cuz of what they hear..
Mr. Crisis | 04 Apr '09 | 01:38
@Mr.Crisis. Just grow up U fucking Hippies. Haven't you guy's have to set up a community somewhere? " we will have peace even if we have to use violence". U are all a bunch of kids who doesn't even know how to piss straight so don't even try to make the world better because that is somewhat out off your league. Police force should be allowed to use real bullets on these protesters when they're burning and derstroying normal peoples properties to "make a point". That "actor" represented the IQ of you're kind. Duhhhhh
Halve Euro | 04 Apr '09 | 09:55
Vangen en doden die linkse rakkers. Protesteren mag natuurlijk maar waarom altijd andermans zuurverdiende eigendommen vernielen?? Waarschijnlijk omdat ze zelf te bedonderd zijn om te werken en dus geen bezittingen hebben. AMEN.
papa | 04 Apr '09 | 10:14
mag ik zeggen dat die wapenstokken van die londense politie er wel erg pijnlijk uitzien...
al zullen ze het wel verdienen,,,
al zullen ze het wel verdienen,,,
vunz | 04 Apr '09 | 10:40
te bizar
protesteren oke,,
maar waarom dan weer die stomme rellen erbij
en die foto's zijn opzich wel ziek
protesteren oke,,
maar waarom dan weer die stomme rellen erbij
en die foto's zijn opzich wel ziek
tim | 04 Apr '09 | 13:08
al die fikken zijn overal even schandalig
Dat ze eens terug vechten zonder uitrusting
Dat durven ze gewoon weg niet
Dat ze eens terug vechten zonder uitrusting
Dat durven ze gewoon weg niet
christophe | 04 Apr '09 | 16:43
@ christophe, Jij bent dom gast!! Die politie staat daar(in eerste instantie :-)) niet om te vechten mon-gool.
westleah | 04 Apr '09 | 18:20
guess what... millions of pounds put into securing the area by investing greatly in extra police forces and security measures... PAID FOR BY THE TAX THE PROTESTORS ARE PAYING
half of them don't even know what they are protesting against...